Adas comes from the eastern Mediterranean (Italy to the east to Syria).
Plant Sweet-Smelling shaped aromatic herbs, bright green, upright and can reach a height of two meters. The leaves grow up to 40 centimeters long, ribbon-shaped, with the last segment in the form of hair, approximately as wide as 0.5 mm. The interest earned on the end of the shaft is compound interest with a diameter of 5 to 15cm. Each section has a 20-50 umbel yellow flowers are very small on-pedicle pedicle short. The fruit is a dry seed with a length of 4 to 9 mm, and width of half of its length, and has a groove. The seeds are dried called fennel seeds.
Adas leaf becomes a food source Lepidoptera larvae of some species, such as moths Amphipyra tragopoginis and Papilio zelicaon.
Can be used to treat:
-Eliminate cold
-Relieves joint pain
-Lowering uric acid levels
-Stomach ache
-Treat cough
Materials used for herbal medicine:
The fruit is ripe
How to create herbal remedies:
3-9 Grams of dried fennel boiled in 3 cups of water until the remaining 1 cup, brewed with a cup of hot water and then drink while warm 1-2 times a day